Look at any Instagram or Facebook page and you’ll likely see endless photos of food… and dogs and cats and other pets. Must be universal, people love their pets, as they should… but it seems a solid fact that EVERYONE likes to take pictures of what they’re eating, about to eat or making to eat. Clearly, I am one of many—that goes for both pets and food. Over the past few years I’ve been trying to hone my food photography and styling skills. Up until this point, I’ve used nothing but an iPhone which is great because it’s highly portable, always with me and connected to the internet at all times. It’s nothing to take a series of photos, edit a few and boom, posted. However, I think it’s time to get a camera. Food photography and styling is kind of a link between my background in art and design and my long time passion for all things cooking and baking that led me to go to culinary school last year. Art, design, cooking, baking, photography, styling… all creative pursuits that go hand in hand. So checkout the new Photography & Styling gallery page right here at Fiddlehead Kitchen.